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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!--
- Author: Andrew Johnson <acjgenius@earthlink.net>
- Copyright (C) 2004 Andrew Johnson <acjgenius@earthlink.net>
- Copyright (C) 2005 Thierry Moisan <thierryn@videotron.ca>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- -->
- <language id="pascal" _name="Pascal" version="2.0" _section="Sources">
- <metadata>
- <property name="mimetypes">text/x-pascal</property>
- <property name="globs">*.p;*.pas</property>
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- <context id="string" style-ref="string">
- <start>[uUrR]?'</start>
- <end>'</end>
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- <start>//</start>
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- <start>\(\*</start>
- <end>\*\)</end>
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- <context ref="def:in-comment"/>
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- <start>\{</start>
- <end>\}</end>
- <include>
- <context ref="def:in-comment"/>
- </include>
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- <start>\{\$</start>
- <end>\}</end>
- </context>
- <context id="general-format" style-ref="keyword">
- <keyword>Program</keyword>
- <keyword>Library</keyword>
- <keyword>Unit</keyword>
- <keyword>Uses</keyword>
- <keyword>Interface</keyword>
- <keyword>Implementation</keyword>
- <keyword>Initialization</keyword>
- <keyword>Finalization</keyword>
- <keyword>Begin</keyword>
- <keyword>End</keyword>
- <keyword>Var</keyword>
- <keyword>Const</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="functions-and-function-modifiers" style-ref="keyword">
- <keyword>Function</keyword>
- <keyword>Procedure</keyword>
- <keyword>Overload</keyword>
- <keyword>cdecl</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="boolean-bitwise-operators" style-ref="keyword">
- <keyword>if</keyword>
- <keyword>then</keyword>
- <keyword>else</keyword>
- <keyword>is</keyword>
- <keyword>and</keyword>
- <keyword>and_then</keyword>
- <keyword>not</keyword>
- <keyword>or</keyword>
- <keyword>or_else</keyword>
- <keyword>xor</keyword>
- <keyword>shr</keyword>
- <keyword>shl</keyword>
- <keyword>otherwise</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="math-operators" style-ref="keyword">
- <keyword>div</keyword>
- <keyword>mod</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="loop-flow-and-exceptions-keywords" style-ref="keyword">
- <keyword>while</keyword>
- <keyword>do</keyword>
- <keyword>for</keyword>
- <keyword>to</keyword>
- <keyword>case</keyword>
- <keyword>of</keyword>
- <keyword>repeat</keyword>
- <keyword>until</keyword>
- <keyword>break</keyword>
- <keyword>continue</keyword>
- <keyword>try</keyword>
- <keyword>except</keyword>
- <keyword>finally</keyword>
- <keyword>raise</keyword>
- <keyword>downto</keyword>
- <keyword>in</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="type-class-and-object-keywords" style-ref="keyword">
- <keyword>Type</keyword>
- <keyword>Packed</keyword>
- <keyword>Array</keyword>
- <keyword>Record</keyword>
- <keyword>Object</keyword>
- <keyword>Class</keyword>
- <keyword>Interface</keyword>
- <keyword>Public</keyword>
- <keyword>Private</keyword>
- <keyword>Protected</keyword>
- <keyword>Constructor</keyword>
- <keyword>Destructor</keyword>
- <keyword>Virtual</keyword>
- <keyword>Abstract</keyword>
- <keyword>Override</keyword>
- <keyword>Property</keyword>
- <keyword>ReadLn</keyword>
- <keyword>Read</keyword>
- <keyword>WriteLn</keyword>
- <keyword>Write</keyword>
- <keyword>default</keyword>
- <keyword>With</keyword>
- <keyword>As</keyword>
- <keyword>self</keyword>
- <keyword>Inherited</keyword>
- <keyword>Forward</keyword>
- <keyword>Implements</keyword>
- <keyword>varargs</keyword>
- <keyword>far</keyword>
- <keyword>near</keyword>
- <keyword>absolute</keyword>
- <keyword>all</keyword>
- <keyword>asm</keyword>
- <keyword>attribute</keyword>
- <keyword>bindable</keyword>
- <keyword>export</keyword>
- <keyword>exports</keyword>
- <keyword>external</keyword>
- <keyword>file</keyword>
- <keyword>goto</keyword>
- <keyword>import</keyword>
- <keyword>interrupt</keyword>
- <keyword>published</keyword>
- <keyword>qualified</keyword>
- <keyword>resident</keyword>
- <keyword>restricted</keyword>
- <keyword>segment</keyword>
- <keyword>set</keyword>
- <keyword>value</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="builtin-types" style-ref="type">
- <keyword>Char</keyword>
- <keyword>String</keyword>
- <keyword>Integer</keyword>
- <keyword>Real</keyword>
- <keyword>Boolean</keyword>
- <keyword>Pointer</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="builtin-functions" style-ref="keyword">
- <keyword>chr</keyword>
- <keyword>ord</keyword>
- <keyword>succ</keyword>
- <keyword>pred</keyword>
- <keyword>abs</keyword>
- <keyword>round</keyword>
- <keyword>trunc</keyword>
- <keyword>sqr</keyword>
- <keyword>sqrt</keyword>
- <keyword>arctan</keyword>
- <keyword>cos</keyword>
- <keyword>sin</keyword>
- <keyword>exp</keyword>
- <keyword>ln</keyword>
- <keyword>odd</keyword>
- <keyword>eof</keyword>
- <keyword>eoln</keyword>
- <keyword>pow</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="builtin-values" style-ref="keyword">
- <keyword>nil</keyword>
- <keyword>False</keyword>
- <keyword>True</keyword>
- </context>
- <context id="number" style-ref="decimal">
- <match extended="true">
- (?<![\w\.])
- (([0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.[0-9]+([Ee][-]?[0-9]+)?))
- (?![\w\.])
- </match>
- </context>
- <context id="hex-number" style-ref="decimal">
- <match extended="true">
- (?<![\w\.])
- \$[0-9a-fA-F]*
- (?![\w\.])
- </match>
- </context>
- <context id="pascal">
- <include>
- <context ref="string"/>
- <context ref="line-comment"/>
- <context ref="preprocessor-defines"/>
- <context ref="block-comment-1"/>
- <context ref="block-comment-2"/>
- <context ref="general-format"/>
- <context ref="functions-and-function-modifiers"/>
- <context ref="boolean-bitwise-operators"/>
- <context ref="math-operators"/>
- <context ref="loop-flow-and-exceptions-keywords"/>
- <context ref="type-class-and-object-keywords"/>
- <context ref="builtin-types"/>
- <context ref="builtin-functions"/>
- <context ref="builtin-values"/>
- <context ref="number"/>
- <context ref="hex-number"/>
- </include>
- </context>
- </definitions>
- </language>